Aboutaleb about Rotterdam

Aboutaleb about Rotterdam You live not only for yourself, but also for your fellow man We are very proud and happy that our own mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb not only knows Zorgzaam010, but also supports it! He says the following about volunteering: "I learned from an early age that you do not only live for yourself, but also for your fellow man. That a small effort can be of vital importance to someone else, such as getting water for a neighbor who has difficulty walking. Getting water was my job within the family and I also brought her a pitcher. Rotterdam has no shortage of water, but here too volunteering is of vital importance: it brings warmth to society. It makes me happy that there is so much enthusiasm in our city for volunteering , on this website supply and demand come together nicely. Sign up, there is always something to do and you get an incredible amount in return: appreciation and respect. Volunteer work is unpaid, but priceless." Volunteering is unpaid, but unaffordable.​ Share these stories and inspire others to help too! Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whatsapp Forward

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